Many contracts are concluded orally. Many of these contracts go wrong.

Concluding a contract orally may not be the best way winding up an agreement. Regularly the partners of such a contract experience the disadvantage of a formless agreement at the latest by the moment their business relationship isn't affected by the former harmony anymore.
Contractual obligations - even secondary obligations can cause a lot of trouble as well - should be put into a clear form and concluded in writing to avoid subsequent and unwanted results.
The advantages of enlisting a lawyer´s assistance in drafting a contract (certainly in a written form) are obvious: 

  • you might find essential aspects about your planned agreement, you have not been thinking of before; a hard-headed discussion about the coverage of the contractual obligations you plan to assume, can prevent you from harm in the future and guarantee clear terms of your contract. But there are further reasons why you should not leave the terms of your contract to chance.
  • Your contract is a piece of evidence! Your business partner does not want to fulfill his contractual obligations, denying them? With a written contract you can prove his obligations and sue him.

Cutting of the costs for drafting can be expensive in the end. Just gives us a call and we will help.



Christoph Sochanowski

Heiliger Weg 11

D-44135 Dortmund

Telefon: 0049-231-84160974

Fax:      0049-231-84160975






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