The entrance of new technologies made our world smaller. This however did not affect the distance, if we want to forward goods around the globe. The previously mentioned development of new technologies had a dramatic influence on the way we organize transports. The successful forwarding of goods across continents is the result of an interaction of many individuals. It is obvious, that such a coorporation does not always function frictionless; it happens frequently, that transported goods do not reach their destination point on time or do not make it in one piece.

A chain is always as solid as its weakest chain link.

There is an endless list of reasons for the mentioned friction losses. The results are damaged goods or a damage caused by delay. You will need a specialist to assert your rights, who is familiar with the ongoing global interconnectedness, which has a major impact on transport law.
Today's transport law is a linkage of international agreements, commercial codes and insurance law, which is closely connected to the law of liability. Saying this you have to consider the fact that every form of transport (air, sea, inland waterways, railway or road) has an own regulation with its special features.

These days "transport law" is a generic term, encompassing issues of storage, shipping and logistics.


We will stay up-to-date in this never ending development to offer you the best representation of your interests. Contact us.


Christoph Sochanowski

Heiliger Weg 11

D-44135 Dortmund

Telefon: 0049-231-84160974

Fax:      0049-231-84160975






Verkehrsunfall im Ausland

Wer sich nach einem unverschuldeten Verkehrsunfall im Ausland um seine Rechte bemüht, scheitert oft schon an einer Sprachenbarriere. In diesen Fällen können wir Ihnen zum berechtigten Ersatz Ihres Schadens verhelfen.


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